Monday, May 10, 2010

Short infinitessimal update

All right, I've been a tad absent. BUT I have a few things to update on that will be feautured in a new post-

1. Lady Ga- evolution from Just Dance to Bad Romance (we're doing music analysis in music and I can't resist)

2. A picture of my red dress that I made a while back.

3. A picture of the Purple flats I bought from a vintage store and the skirt I made to match. As well as the outfit I put together to match.

4. My dislike of upcoming school feild trips and

5. A few clippings from my "Wall of Fame"

So as soon as I get caught up in homework, finish an essay, and get computer time, I'll finish this.

- Can't acess her computer, so she's resorting to mobile.